Meet the Team: David DaRocha
Welcome to Reggora’s “Meet the Team” series! Reggora is powered by a team of smart, hard working people dedicated to the mission of appraisal innovation, and we’ve all taken very different paths to get here. In this series, we’ll introduce you to different members of the Reggora family. This week features David DaRocha, who joined Reggora in July of 2020 to guide new customers through the implementation process.
David DaRocha: Implementation Manager

Q: Tell us about yourself. Where did you grow up? Go to school? What do you enjoy doing?
A: I was born and raised in Boston, MA, and am actually renovating my family home this year, which is about as fun as you’d imagine. I graduated from Emmanuel College with a focus on History. I was certain I was going to be an educator, but ultimately decided to go in another direction. I am a huge movie fan - I love everything about the art form. Some favorites are: Groundhog Day, Arrival, The Descendants and the first Avengers. I also love to work out, although I haven’t done as much of that in 2020 as I would have liked.
Q: Where did you work before Reggora?
A: I’ve worked primarily in the automotive sector throughout my career. I worked for a couple of automotive SaaS companies, spending time at CarGurus when they were just a startup, working on the Inside Sales team. While there, I was awarded the President’s Club honor for overall performance and later led an Account Management team. Most recently, I spent time at Openbay, another automotive marketplace, where I managed the implementation of new customers onto the platform.
Q: Why did you join the Reggora team?
A: I joined Reggora because I love solving big problems. A large part of what’s always driven me to startups is the ability to create processes that completely impact the entire company. Coming from the automotive world, I was able to witness the transition from the infancy stages of the online marketplace to the full blown industry it is today. I saw Reggora was positioned to do the same thing to the appraisal industry and I wanted to be a part of it.
Q: What do you do here at Reggora?
A: As an Implementation Manager, my job is to onboard lenders onto the Reggora platform. I work with our clients very closely to make sure they are set up properly, fully integrated, and get them placing orders as quickly as possible. What’s been most interesting, is going through the entire process 100% remote due to Covid. It’s been really rewarding working with lenders as they navigate a new platform, while often being out of the traditional office setting themselves. It’s definitely put more of an emphasis on attention to detail when working together to launch a new project.
Q: What’s something you’ve learned while working at Reggora?
A: I’ve learned a ton about the appraisal process, as you’d imagine. It’s a very complex industry with lots of compliance hurdles to work through. Every client has a different process, which makes each implementation unique. Solving these challenges together is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.
Q: What is your favorite part of your job or the best part about being on the team?
A: I’ll take both:
My favorite part of my job is hearing feedback from clients I’ve onboarded. Our platform helps streamline their day to day so much that it’s easy to forget how great an impact it has until I’m reminded of how much their team loves it.
The best part about being on the team is how much communication we all have. I’ve never worked at a company where everyone is so eager to help you solve a problem. The entire company works together day to day on issues big and small to keep meeting the needs of our customers.
Thanks, David, for talking with us today and for helping so many lenders feel confident on the Reggora platform. There are many that would credit your team's hard work for their smooth onboarding and custom, time saving workflows.
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